Sunday, November 30, 2008

Lots of good stuff today

Today's sermon at church was based on Psalm 46:10- Be Still.... and know that He is God!  

Totally what I needed to hear.  He started out with this quote (and I don't remember who it's by):

"Stillness is a spiritual discipline that moves us toward secret communion and paves the way for supernatural intervention."

He focused on the three parts in red.
Spiritual Discipline- should be Holy Habits- 1 Timothy 4:7 (discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness)

Secret Communion- has four parts. 1)as a child of God; 2)come reverently with a fear of God- Psalm 25;14, Psalm 31:19, and 1 John 1:9; 3)come undistracted (this is where I struggle) and 4) come persistently.  If we don't do these things- our lives begin to unravel.

Supernatural Intervention- "don't just do something, stand there!" 2 Chronicles (I'll have to find the reference later) and Exodus 14:13-14.

Just some things to ponder.  Hoping to be back tomorrow with a thought from Sunday School

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Really not a slacker

I promise I am really not a slacker- I'm just really struggling with consistency and prioritizing my life.  I tend to let things slide and unfortunately my relationship with God/time with God is usually the first thing to go.  Which saddens me because I KNOW that it is to be the most important thing in my life.  I need to work on this area so please pray for me there.  Also, please pray for a friend of mine- her husband left her and their two girls.  She has a great attitude about it and I'm loving watching God work in her life.  Thanks!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Wonderful Sunday

Today's service was a great one! I have lots to share from it but will do so tomorrow. Between church and the singles class God didn't just nudge me- he pounded me over the head. See you soon!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

A quick post

Just a quick post for right now. First I want to share this verse that I came acros today. I have been cleaning and rearranging my living room and I have these little scripture cards that I came across. This verse just jumped out at me:

"God is greater than our hearts, and He knows everything." 1 John 3:20

I have no idea what version that is but I'll check it out and let you know.

For some thought-provoking reading check this out. It's David Jeremiah and part of his daily turning points.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I'm back

I'm back from Romania and can't wait to share all the God has done- over there and in my life through this experience. One note- please be praying as from July 4-July 6 the Franklin Graham crusade will be in Timisoara.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Just some thoughts from some books

I'm needing to turn in some books to make space but went through them first and wanted to jot down a couple of thoughts so that I have them handy.

Just Enough Light for the Step I'm On by Stormie Omartian. This was a GREAT book that I read in a tough time. The book starts out: Life is a walk. Each day we take steps. Our tomorrow is determined by the steps we take today.

"God doesn't often reveal the details of where He's taking you because He wants you to trust Him for every step. He wants you to pray and listen to Him directing your path for this day, this week, this season, this year, and this time."

"Sometimes what seems like the darkest step we've ever been on comes just before the brightest light we've ever experienced."

"God wants us to surrender our dreams because we can't be led by Him if we are chasing after a dram of our own making. And He wants us to surrender all of them."

Get Over It and Get On With It by Michelle McKinney Hammond
"The beauty of being in a plce you cannot control is that it gives God the opportunity to work out His plan. You can plan your work all you want to, but in the end God will work His plan with or without your help."

"Joseph didn't resign his dreams and longings. He merely tucked them deeper inside his heart and dealt with the present. In the present he needed a miracle. And God was setting him up for exactly that."

"Only in laying down all her dreams about one type of life did Ruth find a life greater than she could ever have anticipated."

"Far too often we allow a wayward mate, an inconsiderate friend, or a dishonest associate back into our life without any thought of testing that person's intentions or character. We fail to set appropriate boundaries. If nothing has changed and the person is not willing to deal, in a healthy and honest matter, with what went wrong before, you are destined for a repeat of what already happened. Get counseling. Hash it out. Discuss what went wrong and what changes need to be made in order for the relationship to be restored. Set parameters for reestablishing trust. Make a new covenant you can both live with."

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Struggling with Forgiveness

Not an easy topic to talk about and to share. However, it's the truth. I'm struggling with forgiving someone who has hurt me. They questioned a decision I made and in essence questioned my character. Right now I don't want to talk to her about it and why I am not speaking to her but she has asked me why I am not talking to her. Letting go of something is hard. I have struggled with it before but right now it's even harder because I know that I made the right choice in the decision I made.

I know this is short but I needed to put it somewhere- if you are reading this please share what your thoughts are on forgiveness- especially when it's not been asked for.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Well, I did what I said I was going to do and God got a hold of me BIG TIME!!!  Here was my devo for this morning (My Utmost for His Highest- June 6)- If you are reading this after June 6- go to that date on the calendar.  I think the part that hit me the most were the first two sentences:

"Your will agrees with God, but in your flesh there is a nature that renders you powerless to do what you know you ought to do.  When the Lord initially comes in contact with our conscience, the first thing our conscience does is awaken our will, and our will always agrees with God."

I just posted that yesterday- I know what I ought to do but my fleshly desires and priorities have rendered me powerless in a way.  Hmmm... food for thought anyway.  Then, I went to Proverbs 6 (read a proverb a day and today is the 6th.  Vs. 20-22 really struck me. "My son, keep your father's commandment, and forsake not your mother's teaching.  Bind them on your heart always, tie them around your neck.  When you walk, they will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk with you".  I guess the reason why they jumped out at me was this: I have been taught from early age who God is and have read the Word from a young age so I KNOW the Word (I could know it better though) and I have been letting what I already knew lead me- I haven't been taking the time to learn more so that it can be applied to my life today.  Does this make sense to anyone?

So, my next reading took me to Psalms- also something I try to read daily- well, it's been so long since I read Psalms that I decided to start with chapter 1.  Well, God knocked me over the head with this one- vs. 1-3 "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.  He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season and it leaf does not wither.  In all that he does, he prospers."

WOW!!!!  This is exactly what I was trying to post yesterday.  Because my delight has not been in the Lord or in the law of the Lord I have been dry- I have been withering.  I know that to be fruitful, to bloom, to thrive, I HAVE to take delight in the law of the LORD! 

Thank you God!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Just some thoughts

I have been struggling some lately and I know why but yet, I'm having a hard time doing anything about it. My quiet time has been suffering ever since school got out. The crazy thing is I have more time than ever and yet, nothing. I am going to have to get myself in a routine and buckle down. I need accountability and I don't really have that. I leave in less than 2 weeks for Romania and I wonder how I am supposed to tell others about Jesus when my relationship with him is dry right now. That's where I know I need to get going. So, my goal for the days ahead will be to read and respond. Read the Word and respond by sharing what has been revealed to me that day. It may be a thought, it may be a quote, it may be the scripture that I have read. Anyone want to join me?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Quote and a verse

"The last thing I want to do is offer easy answers and simple platitudes. If God has allowed suffering in your life, it is for a significant purpose. so rather than just focusing on getting rid of it, seek to discover God's purpose in your pain, to submit to his plan and his purpose, to please him in how you respond to adversity. You have an incredible opportunity to glorify God just by your simple trust in him during those dark days. He will bring you from the darkness into the light, so look for him in the darkness."- Rick Warren

Psalm 143:8
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

A Great Quote

For the next few days I'm going to be posting some quotes and Bible verses that mean a lot to me. I am wanting to get rid of some of my paper clutter and unfortunately I have papers everywhere with little anecdotes, quotes, and verses on them. So, in order to do that and have them all in one place I thought this would be a great place to put them all.

"During the times when you and I can't trace God's hand of purpose, we must trust His heart of love. When we don't understand why, we must trust Him because God cares for us more than we can possibly know." - Anne Graham Lotz

Psalm 138:8- The Lord will fulfill his purpose for mr; your love, O Lord, endures forever-do not abandon the works of your hands.

Monday, April 7, 2008


So often I look around and I am in awe of what I see and even more so-what I experience. Life is not easy- it was never promised to be easy. Christ didn't have an easy life so I don't know why my expectations for my own life would be different.

However, I have found in the midst of life I have a choice to grumble and complain or to have an attitude of thankfulness. I wish I could say the majority of time I exhibit thankfulness, but, more often than not it's the former.

The question then becomes- how can I foster an attitude of gratitude?

1.) Dig into the Word- experience the life of Moses, Joshua, David, Jesus, Paul, and all those in between. In the midst of difficulties they still praised God.

2.) Pray- for eyes to see life, to see people, and most importantly- to see God.

3.) Serve- find your passion. Set foot into the midst of where God is working- you will experience God and in the middle of experiencing Him you will experience an attitude adjustment!

4.) WORSHIP- We are created to worship! When we worship- praise will continually flow from our lips and where there is true praise there can be no complaining or arguing!

Philippians 2:14- "Do all things without grumbling or questioning" (ESV)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Words of Encouragement

In the midst of daily lives we often let ourselves get overwhelmed.  I know I often ask myself- "what am I doing here?"  Why have I gone down this path?  Where is God leading me?  Then I feel guilty- as if I am questioning God.  However, as I read the Bible I see that it's okay to ask questions.  When reading 2 Chronicles 15:7- "But you, take courage!  Do not let your hands be weak, for your work will be rewarded." (ESV) I hear God clearly speaking to me.  He is commanding me to be strong!  To hold on- to give it all of our heart- because in the end- when He is looking at the big picture- all those questions- all the struggles-all the daily battles- are going to be worth it.  It will be rewarded, and that's a promise you can count on!

Saturday, March 15, 2008


How do you deal with a tragedy or a crisis in your life?  So often it's so easy to get caught up in the moment- to get caught up in the details- to get bogged down by emotions and not effectively deal with a situation.  There was a tragedy at the school where I teach- it actually happened after school on Thursday at one of the student's homes.  It got me thinking about how we often run away from security in the face of our emotions.  Instead of running to the one person who can give us the strength to carry on through it we run the opposite way right into the darkness.  When it's dark you can't see- your eyes may adjust to the lack of light but it's a distorted view of reality.  We think that if we go a bit further we just might reach the light but in reality it's behind us- we have turned our back on it.  All we have to do is turn around- we will see the light!  Then, we just have to run toward it.  When we reach that light we see things as they really are.  I don't want to live in darkness- as a teacher I don't want my students to live in darkness.  I want to live in the view of reality- I want to live in the light.  And, then, as we live in the light we become part of the light and we are take our light to the dark places of the world.  To the people who are constantly in darkness.  It could be your neighbor, it could be a stranger on the street, it could be a family member, it could be across the world.  Are you willing to run toward the light????

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Quick Quote

I have a women's Bible and it has quotes throughout it.  The following is one that I have really enjoyed reading from time to time and I especially need it now!  My job is a bit stressful and sometimes I have a hard time seeing God in the middle of it (even though I know He is).  I do still have some things to share but I need to do it when I can sit down and think through all that I want to post so definitely look for it in the next week or so (Spring Break).

"We don't know the meaning of worship until we praise God in the middle of a difficult situation, aware that he's still in control of the universe-even though we may not see it." ---Carol Kent

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Something to Share

I have something I want to share but I'm sick so it's not going to happen tonight.  Hopefully tomorrow I am doing better so that I can post some things that I read this morning.  AWESOME!  Totally what I needed to read!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

A New Blog

I have decided that my faith is too important to me to keep quiet and I hate feeling like I am watching what I say on my crafting blog and my exercise blog so I'm starting this one.  It's mainly for my own thoughts on what I read and experience on a daily basis.  The foundation for the name of the blog comes from Zephaniah 3:17.  Read it and you will understand!